2023 Evangel Gathering - Friendship and Flourishing for Missions

P lenary 2 Friendships That Flourish for Missions, Acts 13.1-3 Rev. Dr. Don Davis

Definition of Missions, Mere Missions “Definition of missions: the sending forth of authorized persons to unchurched communities to proclaim the Gospel in order to win converts to Jesus Christ, make disciples from the converts, and gather together the disciples to form functioning, multiplying local churches, that bear the fruit of the Kingdom of God in that community (Acts 13.1-3, Acts 26.18, Eph. 4.11 [some are apostolic in gift and calling], Jonah 3, Mark 16.15, Matt. 28.19-20, Luke 24.47, John 20.22-23, Acts 1.8).”

~ Rev. Bob Engel, Mere Missions

Friendships that flourish for missions are relationships of mutual affection, shared vision, and common values, all for the sake of Bob Engel’s definition of missions!

• Affection: what our mutual respect and love is • Vision: what our shared commitments are • Value: what common aspirations guide us

Friendships that flourish for missions = FFM! FFM affirm apostolic calling, promote costly spirituality, and leverage missional opportunity.

I. FFM Affirm Apostolic Calling

A. Mutual allegiances: calling and gifting, Acts 13.1-3

B. Common values and vision, Phil. 2.19-22

C. Recognized gifting and anointing, 1 Tim. 1.18-19


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