2023 Evangel Gathering - Friendship and Flourishing for Missions

56 • 2023 E vangel G athering • S acred R oots T hriving in M inistry : F riendship and F lourishing for M issions

5. Selection of spiritual classic and the order they will be addressed

a. What are the soul needs the leaders in your movement need your help to address? What spiritual classics address soul work or soul care issues most needed by my cohort? What spiritual classics are most likely to encourage soul talk within the cohort?

b. What order will our cohort read and discuss the spiritual classics this year?

6. Interested in cohort receiving a “Sacred Roots Certificate in Spiritual Formation”

a. If you would like to receive a certificate for the leaders of your cohort in August of 2024 from Sacred Roots and Taylor University’s Office of Church Relations check “Yes” on the Thrive Plan.

b. You will need to notify Dean Eric Himelick by July 1 of 2024 of your cohort’s discussion of at least one SRSC.

c. You will receive certificates in the mail after completing the Sacred Roots Research survey and a brief google form.

C. Action item: Complete your online or written Thrive Plan before you leave the Evangel Gathering.

1. Turn in a written or electronic version of your Thrive Plan to Eric Himelick, Bob Engel, or Hank Voss,.

2. Your Thrive Plan will ensure that your Sacred Roots Study Group receives the spiritual classics you wish to explore in your study group within the next forty-five days.

D. At what level are we ready to commit to a Sacred Roots Study Group in our movement?

1. Embrace by hosting a full Sacred Roots schedule for your study group.

a. Host a full study group.

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