A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ

About the Author5
Session 1: Introduction11
Session 2: The Gospels: The Manifestation of Christ, Part I31
Session 3: The Gospels: The Manifestation of Christ, Part II65
Session 4: The Gospels:The Manifestation of Christ, Part III113
Session 5: The Acts of the Apostles145
Session 6: The Epistles169
Session 7: The Revelation of John209
Appendix 1: The Nicene Creed246
Appendix 2: The Nicene Creed With Biblical Support247
Appendix 3: We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed249
Appendix 4: We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed(Common Meter*)250
Appendix 5: The Story of God: Our Sacred Roots251
Appendix 6: Once upon a Time252
Appendix 7: The Theology of Christus Victor255
Appendix 8: Christus Victor: An Integrated Vision for the Christian Life256
Appendix 9: Old Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom257
Appendix 10: Summary Outline of the Scriptures258
Appendix 11: From Before to Beyond Time262
Appendix 12: There Is a River265
Appendix 13: A Schematic for a Theology of the Kingdom of God266
Appendix 14: Living in the Already and the Not Yet Kingdom267
Appendix 15: Jesus of Nazareth: The Presence of the Future268
Appendix 16: Traditions (Paradosis)269
Appendix 17: Documenting Your Work277
Appendix 18: Messiah Yeshua in Every Book of the Bible281
Appendix 19: What Is Christianity without Christ?283
Appendix 20: Re-presenting Messiah284
Appendix 21: Messianic Prophecies Cited in the New Testament285
Appendix 22: Living in the Upside-Down Kingdom of God292
Appendix 23: Preaching and Teaching Jesus of Nazareth asMessiah and Lord Is the Heart of All Biblical Ministry294
Appendix 24: Summary of Messianic Interpretations in the Old Testament295
Appendix 25: Old Testament Names, Titles, andEpithets for the Messiah300
Appendix 26: Promise vs. Prediction: The Apostolic Hermeneutic of the Old Testament303
Appendix 27: Messiah Jesus: Fulfillment of the Old Testament Types304
Appendix 28: Picking Up on Different Wavelengths308
Appendix 29: Principles behind Prophecy312
Appendix 30: A Harmony of the Ministry of Jesus314
Appendix 31: Communicating Messiah: The Relationship of the Gospels315
Appendix 32: General Facts concerning the New Testament316
Appendix 33: Portrayals of Jesus in the New Testament Books318
Appendix 34: Suffering for the Gospel319
Appendix 35: Hearing a Tale, Watching a Picture Show321
Appendix 36: Chart of Biblical Studies323
Appendix 37: Chronological Table of the New Testament (Pauline Focus)324
Appendix 38: The Study of Types Critical toNew Testament Mastery325
Appendix 39: The Cosmic and All-Sufficient Center326
Appendix 40: The Magnetism of Jesus’ Teaching:Where Did It Come From?327
Appendix 41: The Risen Messiah Himself Is Our Life328
Appendix 42: Typology Quotes329
Appendix 43: Diverse Usages of the Term “Typos”in the New Testament331
Appendix 44: Typology Readings332
Appendix 45: The Christological Hermeneutic334
Appendix 46: Appearances of the Resurrected Messiah Jesus336
Appendix 47: Biblical Justification for the Resurrection of Messiah Jesus337
Appendix 48: The Historical Accounts of Yeshua: Truth or Fiction?338
Appendix 49: New Testament Readings339
Appendix 50: The Modern Critical View341
Appendix 51: The Shadow and the Substance343
Appendix 52: “In Christ”344
Appendix 53: Substitute Centers to a Christ-Centered Vision345
Appendix 54: Learning to Be a Theo Smith346
Appendix 55: Analytical vs. Christo-centric Approach to Old Testament Study347
Appendix 56: Degrees of Authority Given to Fruit of Christo-centric Use of the Old Testament348
Appendix 57: Old Testament Historical Characters and EventsCited by Jesus of Nazareth349
Appendix 58: The Church Year – Western Church350
Appendix 59: The Miracles of Jesus353
Appendix 60: The Parables of Jesus354
Appendix 61: Union with Christ: The Christo-centric Paradigm355
Appendix 62: The Life of Christ according to Seasons and Years358
Appendix 63: The Thirteen Letters of Paul366
About Us369

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