A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ
Ses s i on 3: The Gospe l s : The Man i fes tat i on of Chr i s t , Par t I I 103
7. The matchless character of Messiah reveal the Father’s own divine splendor and glory, John 1.14-18.
8. The death of Messiah represents the payment for our sin debt and its penalty, along with the defeat of Satan, as Paul says in Col. 2.15 made an open show and display of his victory on the cross, where our sin’s indebtedness and unrighteousness was paid in full.
C. The Kingdom is Already, but Not Yet: two manifestations of the Kingdom of God
1. In Jesus’ presence, the Kingdom was displayed, and the reign of God inaugurated. Through his death and resur rection, the rebellious prince, Satan, the great deceiver and blasphemer was wounded, crippled, bound, but his destruction comes later (cf. 1 John 3.8; Heb. 2.14-15; Col. 2.15). 2. At Christ’s Second Coming (what scholars call the Parousia [Greek for “Second Arrival”]) Satan will be finally destroyed, his rule finally put down, and the full manifestation of God’s kingly power will be revealed in the glorification of the saints and in a restored heaven and earth, 1 Cor. 15.24-28.
III. Messiah Opposed by Spiritual Powers: Healings and Exorcisms in the Life of Jesus
God’s Kingdom means the divine conquest over his enemies, a conquest which is to be accomplished in three stages; and the first victory has already occurred. The power of the Kingdom of God has invaded the realm of Satan – the present evil Age. The activity of this power to deliver men from satanic rule was evidenced in the exorcism of demons. Thereby, Satan was bound; he was cast down from his position of power; his power was “destroyed.” The blessings of the Messianic Age are now available to those who embrace the Kingdom of God. We may already enjoy the blessings resulting from this initial
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