A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ


A B i b l i ca l Vi s i on, Par t I I : Mas ter i ng the New Tes tament Wi tnes s to Chr i s t

(3) Before the Final Council of the Sanhedrin, Luke 22.66-71

b. The blunt question to Jesus regarding his Messiahship, Mark 14.61-62

c. Jesus’ equally blunt answer, cf. Dan. 7.13 and Ps. 110.1

2. The Roman trials: Pontus Pilate, Herod (only Luke is mentioned here)

a. Three instances of trial

(1) Before Pilate (Luke 23.1-5)

(2) Before King Herod (Luke 23.6-12)

(3) Before Pilate again (Luke 23.13-25)

D. Peter’s denial and Judas’ suicide

1. Peter’s bitter cowardice and denial, John 18.15-18, 25-27

2. Judas’ remorse and suicide, Matt. 27.3-10

3. Irony: parcel of land bought in Judas’s name (Acts 1.18-20); they could condemn the innocent Jesus illegally, but would not accept Judas’ money since it was against the law!

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