A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ
Ses s i on 4: The Gospe l s : The Man i fes tat i on of Chr i s t , Par t I I I 125
‘Twas I That Shed the Sacred Blood
‘Twas I that shed the sacred blood; I nailed him to the tree I crucified the Christ of God; I joined the mockery.
Of all that shouting multitude I feel that I am one; And in that din of voices rude, I recognize my own.
Around the cross the throng I see, mocking the Sufferer’s groan; Yet, still my voice it seems to be, as if I mocked alone.
~ Horatio Bonar (1808-1889)
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F. The Burial of Messiah’s body, Matt. 27.57-66
1. Joseph of Arimathea, Matt. 27.57 [a devout member of the Sanhedrin recovers the body of Jesus.]
2. Burial of Jesus’ body; the fulfillment of Isaiah 53.9
3. Nicodemus and Joseph: Nicodemus provided the myrrh and aloes, and Joseph the wrappings and his new tomb, Matt. 27.60; John 19.39.
4. The tomb sealed with guards at the Jewish leader’s request, John 19.38-42.
Messiah Jesus is laid dead in the tomb.
But the story does not end here . . .
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