A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ

Sess ion 1: Int roduct ion: The Cent ra l i ty of Jesus of Nazareth to the New Tes tament 13

b. The priest like Melchizedek , Gen. 14.18-20 with Heb. 7.17-21

c. The king like David , 2 Sam. 7.4-17

6. The Messianic promise is the crimson cord running through each section and book of the OT and serves as the backdrop of the unfolding events in the life of Jesus in the NT as prophet, priest, and king.

a. The fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant, Gen. 12.1-3; 15.5-6; 17.4-8

b. The lion from Judah’s tribe, Gen. 49.9-10

c. The seed from David’s family, 2 Sam. 7.16ff.

B. The need for a thematic center

1. The Bible can be (and unfortunately is often) misinterpreted!

2. The Bible is used to support every kind of untrue and weird misinterpretation, all in the name of being biblical and New Testament !

3. Jesus of Nazareth understood himself as the thematic center and authentic plumb line by which to measure all accurate and valid readings of the Old Testament Scriptures.

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