A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ

Ses s i on 5: The Ac t s of the Apos t l es : The Propagat i on of Chr i s t


I. Introduction to the Acts of the Apostles

“The most important primary source for our knowledge of the early Church”

A. Authorship and date

1. Luke, the beloved writer of the Third Gospel. (While his name is unmentioned there, a comparison of Luke 1.1-4 and Acts 1.1-12 reveal that the same author wrote both works.) The Acts of the Apostles was written about A.D. 63.

2. Luke a physician; note medical terms: vv. 3.7; 9.18; 12.23; 13.11; 28.8, etc.

3. Luke was a companion of the Apostle Paul on a number of different occasions (e.g., 16.9-12; 20.5-21.18; 27.1-28.16).

4. The journeys of Luke with Paul are shown in the epistle.

a. He journeyed with Paul in the second missionary journey at Troas and at Philippi, joined Paul’s party again at Philippi on the return to Jerusalem during the third tour.

b. There is some evidence that he probably remained with Paul till he went to Rome.

5. Some scholars speculate that Luke and Titus were brothers.

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