A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ
Ses s i on 5: The Ac t s of the Apos t l es : The Propagat i on of Chr i s t
B. Luke’s information and sources
1. Covers much ground: “32 countries, 54 cities, and 9 Mediterranean islands, not randomly but in the course of a saga lasting some 30 years and extending from Jerusalem and extending concentrically to Rome; 95 different persons, 62 of which are not mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament and 27 of which are unbelievers” (Robert Yarbrough)
2. Luke had “eyewitness experience” (note the “we” sections) i.e., 16.10-17; 20.5-21.18; 27.1-28.16).
3. He includes a transcript of the Jerusalem Council (15; 21.25).
4. Seems to have a intimate knowledge of goings on of the Jerusalem Church (an archive of its proceedings?)
5. Manaen, a member of Herod the tetrach’s court (13.1) Luke’s Gospel provides more detailed information about the Herodian family than any other NT documents (e.g., Luke 9.7-9).
6. Luke’s friendship with Paul probably contributed to the writing of his book.
7. His relationship with Philip (he stayed with him, 21.8), and from him could have learned about the choosing of the Seven Deacons and Philip’s connection with the Ethiopian eunuch.
8. He stayed with Mnason of Cyprus (see 21.16), and from him could have learned about the church there.
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