A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ
Ses s i on 5: The Ac t s of the Apos t l es : The Propagat i on of Chr i s t
b. Leaders of the movement receive formal apology from secular leaders for accusations of illegal actions (16.19ff.; 35.ff).
c. Festus and King Agrippa II in Judea agree that Paul had committed no offense deserving of death or imprisonment (cf. Acts 26.32).
2. To show the role of the Holy Spirit in founding, sustaining, and growing the Church of Jesus Christ
a. Promise of his coming made and fulfilled (1.4ff. with 2.1-13)
b. Guides the movement and ministry of the leaders (e.g., Phillip, 8.29,39)
c. Separates out select individuals whom he empowers for mission (13.1ff)
d. Settles disputes in the Church through the council of the apostles and elders (15.28)
e. Speaks through the prophets of the NT (11.28; 20.23; 21.4, 11)
3. To provide a detailed description of the actions of the apostles in their spontaneous expansion of the witness to Jesus Christ from Jerusalem throughout the entire Roman empire
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