A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ

Ses s i on 5: The Ac t s of the Apos t l es : The Propagat i on of Chr i s t


between 20th-century American culture and the calling of Christ to his Church.

Yet we must kick that habit, if by serving heaven we are to be any earthly good. Our challenge is clear: We must reject the illusions, seductions, and false alternatives of the current political scene and re-assert the ageless truth that Christ is Lord of lords, King of kings. With Athanasius, the great fourth-century champion of the faith, we must stand for Christ contra mundum – “against the world.” In the very moment of our clearest opposition to the world, we will find that as witnesses to the Truth and Life we will have the inestimable privilege of helping to make his invisible Kingdom visible in the world.

~ “The Lures and Limits of Political Power.” Pastoral Renewal . Jan, ‘86. p. 91.

A. Principles

1. The core of the Kerygma: the apostolic testimony and preaching regarding the life and work of Jesus, with particular emphasis on his conflicts, suffering, death, and resurrection from the dead .

2. The heart of all spiritual activity in this age derives its power from the Holy Spirit; he is the Lord and Life-giver of the Church .

3. By virtue of his resurrection and ascension, Jesus of Nazareth has been exalted at the right hand of God as the Messianic head of the new Israel, the Church, consisting of both Jews and Gentiles.

B. Critical implications

1. No Christian preaching is adequate, complete, or comprehensive that does not focus upon the apostolic preaching , in both style and content.

a. Style : rooted in Scripture but appropriate to culture

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