A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ

Sess ion 1: Int roduct ion: The Cent ra l i ty of Jesus of Nazareth to the New Tes tament 17

(4) Instruction of a Jewish teacher who misunderstood the Word of God, John 3.10

(5) Severe critique of those who mishandled and mistaught the Word of God, (i.e., “blind guides” and “blind fools”), Matt. 23.16-17

5. The promise of the inspiration of the New Testament

a. The principle of representation: “he who hears you hears me,” Luke 10.16

b. Promise that the Spirit of the Father would speak through them, cf. Matt. 10.20; Mark 13.11

c. Authority associated with the Great Commission to teach all that Jesus had commanded them to do, Matt. 28.18-20

d. The explicit teaching that the Holy Spirit would guide them into all the truth, cf. John 16.13; 14.26

e. The ongoing continuation of the works of Jesus in the acts of the apostles, cf. Acts 1.1 with Luke 1.3-4

f. The early Church’s strict adherence to the apostles’ teaching, Acts 2.42; cf. Eph. 2.20

g. The official representation of the apostles as authoritative and binding on all believers, 2 Thess. 2.15; 1 Tim. 4.11-13

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