A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ


A B i b l i ca l Vi s i on, Par t I I : Mas ter i ng the New Tes tament Wi tnes s to Chr i s t

b. Eph. 4.1 – I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called

c. Phil. 1.13 – . . . so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.

d. Phil. 1.17 – The former proclaim Christ out of rivalry, not sincerely but thinking to afflict me in my imprisonment.

e. Col. 4.18 – I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Remember my chains. Grace be with you.

2. Four individuals mentioned in the letters who befriended Paul and delivered his messages to their respective places

a. Epaphroditus from Philippi (cf. Phil. 4.18) delivered the epistle to the Philippians .

b. Tychichus from Ephesus (Eph. 6.21) delivered the epistle to the Ephesians .

c. Epaphras from Colosse (Eph. 6.21) delivered the epistle to the Colossians .

d. Onesimus, a slave from Colosse (Philem. 10) delivered the epistle to Philemon (i.e., his master).

3. The Lord stood by his side during these times and gave him strength, undoubtedly not only to endure but to meditate on the meaning of the Christ event for the Church, 2 Tim. 4.16-17 – At my first defense no one

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