A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ
A B i b l i ca l Vi s i on, Par t I I : Mas ter i ng the New Tes tament Wi tnes s to Chr i s t
coming. He challenges us to contend by outlining occurrences of apostasy and challenges believers in what they must be occupied with to meet it in the days ahead.
e. Occurrences of apostasy, vv. 4-16. Jude gives graphic and vivid description of those whose intent is to pervert the teaching of Christ. (1) Israel’s unbelief, rebellious angels, Sodom and Gomorrah, Cain, Balaam, and Korah are given as examples of apostasy.
(2) Contemporary deniers of the faith despise authority and undermine authentic faith.
f. The challenge of believers today to persevere in days of coming apostasy (vv. 17-25) through
(1) Building up ourselves in our faith
(2) Praying constantly, keeping ourselves from evil
(3) Looking for the coming of Christ always
(4) Having compassion on the lost, sharing the Good News, but hating the deeds that spawned their misery
III. Principles and Implications for New Testament Study
The Epistles consequently have a charm, a directness, a vitality and power unknown to the other sacred writings of the world. Nowhere are they equaled or surpassed except in the personal instructions that fell from the lips of Jesus. Devoted exclusively to experimental and practical religion they have, with the teachings of Christ, become the textbook of the spiritual life for the Christian church in all sub sequent time. For this reason “they are of more real value to the church than all the systems of theology, from Origen to Schleiermacher” (Schaff on St. Paul’s Epistles, History of the Christian Church, 741). No writings in history so unfold the nature and processes of the redemptive experience. In Paul and John, especially, the pastoral
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