A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ


A B i b l i ca l Vi s i on, Par t I I : Mas ter i ng the New Tes tament Wi tnes s to Chr i s t

3. Apocalyptic literature . Only kind of literature of this type in the New Testament (note other apocalyptic passages, e.g., Matt. 24)

a. OT vision of Daniel is considered to be largely an apocalyptic text.

b. Characteristics of apocalyptic (conventional forms)

(1) God is the sovereign Lord of all who at the fullness of time will intervene with cataclysmic power into the world to put an end to all chaos and evil. (2) The universe is structured according to conflict; God is opposed in his rule by malevolent forces referred to in symbolic imagery (i.e., as beasts, as horns, etc.). (3) Angels are highly involved in the outcome of the battle between the forces of God and the evil of the world. (4) God ultimately destroys evil, which is accompanied by the vindication and blessing of the saints. (5) Is usually written pseudonymous (i.e., written under a great person of the past; the Revelation of John is to be distinguished from this kind of literature).

4. The use of symbolic imagery. Animal characters, use of numbers, and color symbolism play a central role in the communication of the message of Revelation.

a. The divine Lamb of God (Rev. 5)

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