A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ
Ses s i on 7: The Reve l at i on of John: The Consummat i on of Al l Th i ngs i n Chr i s t 217
d. Rider on a black horse (6.5-6)
e. Death riding on a pale horse (6.7-8)
f. Martyrs in heaven (6.9-11)
g. Cosmic dissolution and the judgment of God (6.12-17)
h. Interlude: sealing of the 144,000, the majestic picture of the glorified saints (7.1-17)
i. Silence in heaven (8.1)
4. The seven trumpets
a. Prologue (8.2-6)
b. Hail, fire, and blood on the earth (8.7)
c. The sea becomes blood, destruction at sea (8.8-9)
d. The falling star, Wormwood, bringing bitter water (8.10-11)
e. Darkening of the sun, moon, and stars (8.12)
f. Locusts released from the pit (8.13-9.12)
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