A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ

Ses s i on 7: The Reve l at i on of John: The Consummat i on of Al l Th i ngs i n Chr i s t 219

b. Sores upon humankind (16.2)

c. The sea becomes blood (16.3)

d. The rivers become blood (16.4-7)

e. The fierce heat of the sun (16.8-9)

f. Darkness (16.10-11)

g. The foul spirits prepare for the battle of Armageddon (16.12-16)

h. Earthquake and final judgment against evil (16.17-21)

7. The seven events of final judgment and consummation

a. Judgment of Babylon (chs. 17-18)

b. The marriage Supper of the Lamb (19.1-10)

c. The Lord of lords and King of kings defeats the beast and the false prophet (19.11-21)

d. The binding of Satan and the millennial reign of Christ with his saints (20.1-6)

e. The loosing of Satan and his defeat (20.7-10)

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