A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ

Ses s i on 2: The Gospe l s : The Man i fes tat i on of Chr i s t , Par t I 37

c. Explaining the differences and similarities is called the “synoptic problem.”

4. The Synoptic Gospels have agreements and differences.

a. Agreements

(1) 92% of Mark is duplicated in Matthew and Luke

(2) The Marcan outline is followed

(a) Ministry of John the Baptist, Baptism, and Temptation

(b) Jesus’ Galilean ministry

(c) Jesus’ journey to and ministry in Perea and Judea

(d) The Passion (i.e., the last week of Jesus’ life): his triumphal entry, arrest, trial, crucifixion and death, burial, and resurrection

b. Differences

(1) The synoptics disagree in details in the outline, material covered, settings for similar materials

(2) Matthew and Luke insert their own unique data, but always return to the Marcan outline

(3) Matthew and Luke have the same order when they follow Mark (i.e., Matthew and Luke both have added material in addition to what Mark wrote, and differ from each other but never differ from Mark.)

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