A Biblical Vision, Part II: Mastering the New Testament Witness to Christ


A B i b l i ca l Vi s i on, Par t I I : Mas ter i ng the New Tes tament Wi tnes s to Chr i s t

3. The kingdom of the devil rules in the present world system.

a. His influence and presence touches all phases of this present world order.

b. The kingdom of Satan functions in both the material universe and the affairs of humankind.

4. The kingdom of the devil and the Kingdom of God are in mortal conflict and combat with each other.

a. God is reasserting his right to rule over his creation, and the kingdom of the devil resists this effort with all its fury and energy.

b. At issue in this battle is this: who will possess the absolute right to rule and reign over creation and humankind.

D. Israel’s special vision of the Kingdom related to its identity.

The idea of the Kingdom affected the Jewish view of spiritual opposition, both in regard to the forces of the material world, human affairs,

1. Israel as a nation is wrapped up in this struggle between God and Satan for the control of the world.

as well as Israel’s place as a nation.

a. They are God’s special people because of the covenant, Gen. 12-17.

b. Though called as God’s special people, they live in a milieu (situation) that is dominated by the kingdom of Satan . (1) Political, governmental, and other social forces which were hostile to Israel are in fact under Satan’s control.

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