A Compelling Testimony: Maintaining a Disciplined Walk, Christlike Character, and Godly Relationships as God's Servant
Ses s i on 4: Cu l t i vat i ng Our Commun i on: The I nward Di sc i p l i nes 165
A. Connection to your personal discipleship
1. As regarding my own cultivation of the soul, how am I doing in the discipline of the word? Am I feeding con sistently on the word in my private hearing, reading, study, memorization, and meditation? To what extent am I learning the Word of God at church, in the studies, sermons, and teachings I am receiving? 2. How would you evaluate your own discipline of prayer? Do you spend time regularly, formally, daily in prayer? How might you enhance your prayer life in the church – start a prayer group, attend prayer meeting, find a prayer partner? 3. To what extent have I practiced the discipline of fasting? It this a part of my life, and is the Holy Spirit saying I need to make this more of a priority? Do we fast together as believers in the body? What might the Lord be suggesting for me and us in this discipline right now? 4. Am I learning more and more to think Christianly in my daily life? What kinds of things do I allow myself to feed upon during the day and week in terms of TV programs, DVDs, CDs I listen to, etc.? What things do I need to evaluate, lose, change, or increase doing to make my mind more pure before the Lord?
B. Connection to your witness, preaching, and teaching in urban ministry contexts
1. In what way can I help the students I teach understand and apply these truths about the cultivation of the soul? Which disciplines do I emphasize too little, too much, just enough?
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