A Sojourner's Quest

Table of Contents5
Part I - Setting Your Course19
Once upon a Time23
The Story of God: Our Sacred Roots26
From Before to Beyond Time27
Summary Outline of the Scriptures30
Living in the Already and the Not Yet Kingdom35
Jesus of Nazareth: The Presence of the Future36
Living in a Story-Ordered World39
Going Forward by Looking Back41
Sacred Roots48
Christus Victor50
A Call to an Ancient Evangelical Future51
Thy Kingdom Come!56
Worship and the Cosmic Drama66
Part II - Walking the Daily Journey69
The Apostles’ Creed75
The Nicene Creed: Fidelity to Historic Orthodoxy76
The Nicene Creed With Biblical Support77
We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed80
We Believe: Confession of the Nicene Creed ( Meter*)81
Prayers of Scripture85
Morning and Evening Prayers90
Prayers of Intercession92
Prayers of the Ancients99
Canticles of Praise105
Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs111
Suffering for the Gospel127
Your True Identity: 33 Blessings in Christ129
Our Declaration of Dependence: Freedom in Christ133
My Banner Is Clear136
Right Here, Right Now, I Make My Stand137
The Warrior’s Affirmation142
Jesus Christ, We Rejoice in Your Defi nitive Triumph143
His Life in Us145
Seeing Christ in Every Situation146
Part III- Living in the Way147
The Church Year and You153
The Church Year Follows the Ordering of the Gospels and Acts159
The Church Year Forming Christ-Centered Spirituality through the Church Calendar161
Colors Associated with the Church Year165
The Theology of Christus Victor167
Chronological Holy Week Readings168
The Jewish Sacred Year173
Traditions (Paradosis)177
There Is a River186
Substitute Centers to a Christ-Centered Vision189
Messiah Yeshua in Every Book of the Bible190
Old Testament Names, Titles, and Epithets for the Messiah192
Readings on Christ195
Messiah Jesus200
The Shadow and the Substance203
Analytical vs. Christocentric Approach to Old Testament Study204
Promise vs. Prediction: The Apostolic Hermeneutic of the Old Testament205
Ethics of the New Testament206
Jesus of Nazareth as the Heart of All Biblical Ministry208
Old Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom Summary209
The Two Movements of Christ's Revelation210
Faithfully Re-presenting Jesus of Nazareth211
Typology Readings212
Part IV - Persevering for the Long Haul219
Spiritual Blueprints225
Come Away: A Suggested Retreat Model229
Fleshing Out the Universal Priesthood231
The Laws of Sowing and Reaping245
From Deep Ignorance to Credible Witness263
Living the Disciplines264
The Hump265
Steps to Equipping Others266
An Order of Service271
Holy Communion275
Special Celebrations and Observances of the Church Year278
A Service for Healing280
A Liturgy for the People of God282
Seeking Revival through Prevailing Prayer287
A Prayer for the Mega-cities of the World291
Let God Arise! Prayer Meeting296
Concerts of Prayer298

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