A Sojourner's Quest

1 0 / A S O J O U R N E R ’ S Q U E S T

In the sight of their fathers he performed wonders in the land of Egypt, in the fields of Zoan. [13] He divided the sea and let them pass through it, and made the waters stand like a heap. [14] In the daytime he led them with a cloud, and all the night with a fiery light. ~ Psalm 78.12-14

The Sojourner’s Quest Don L. Davis • © 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Sojourning as pilgrims to see the Great King In the New Jerusalem, our glorious dream; From all people and nations we journey above – We’re marching to Zion, awash in his love. In friendship with Jesus, our Glory and Crown, Our Shield and our Shepherd, where true joy is found; To see with new eyes ev’ry single soul’s worth, To cherish the unseen above all else on earth. We burn with deep longing the Savior to see, And filled with his Spirit, we long to live free. As pilgrims to glory we hasten to go, Whether feasting or fasting his beauty to show. Yes, this is our goal, our glory, our aim; That Christ might be seen on this earth once again, That his Kingdom and glory would ever be known, That more of his likeness through us might be shown; That for our friend’s sake we’d lay down our lives, That fruit may be borne, and Christ glorified, That on this great quest our lights would so shine, That souls would now come to him, one heart at a time. So let broken vessels, all the humble and meek Come, taste our Lord’s mercies; be healed, and set free. Let’s count now as dung this world’s phony design, And press toward the mark of the heav’nly prize. Now come, all you saints, join this sojourner’s quest – Come, seek his coronation; we’re called as his guests; Let’s give all that we are and we have for one thing – To dine at his banquet before Christ the Great King.

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