A Sojourner's Quest
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they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return. [16] But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.
~ Hebrews 11.12-16
What a vivid and inspiring picture of the Christian life in community! To be a Christian is to be engaged in a sojourner’s quest, a journey to a better heavenly country, a city prepared for them by God, a true resting place and homeland. The Church of Jesus Christ, each member of it, is engaged in a spiritual pilgrimage from the Egypt world arrangement of our time to the Promised Land of eternal life and blessedness with Christ. The motif of a sojourner’s quest determines how we ought to live, what we long for, how we walk with Christ day by day, and how our communities of faith journey together in search of transformation and fruitfulness in the Kingdom. This journey heightens the meaning of our everyday lives, fuels the yearnings of our hearts, and directs our attention in the daily grind and monotony of living in this current world system. We are in the world but not of it; we are on a quest to see the great King, to live in our true homeland, and through the leading of the Holy Spirit and the grace of Christ, to reach our destination: the city whose maker and builder is God. A Sojourner’s Quest: A Knapsack for the Journey In connection to the vibrant motif, we have collected within this book a select group of spiritual resources designed to enrich and strengthen you on your spiritual journey. Designed specifically as a companion to our Sacred Roots Annual , this resource contains dozens of prayers, poems, articles, graphics, and spiritual resources all to enrich your spiritual walk. Special emphasis is given to enhancing your spiritual formation through the Church Year, with its concentration on the Story of God in Jesus Christ. Although it is divided into identifiable parts, the resources allow for your own unique usage of the material as the Spirit leads you day by day. Use the sections to concentrate on specific topics of interest, or freely browse through the materials, and rest awhile on any graphic, poem, or article that can refresh or renew For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come. ~ Hebrews 13.14
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