A Sojourner's Quest

PA RT I I : WA L K I NG T H E D A I LY J O U R N E Y / 1 3 5

Right Here, Right Now, I Make My Stand An Affirmation of Devotion Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

Right here, right now, I make my stand.

According to the Sacred Word of the Holy One, since the terrible moral and spiritual fall in the Garden of God, this universe has been at war; the enemy prince and his deceived minions have rebelled against the Lord of the universe, and now, everybody’s got to choose a side. I finally realize that this is the moment in my life that I must accept that I have to choose a side; I cannot serve two masters. I can’t serve both kingdoms; I’ve got to choose one or the other. I can’t swear allegiance to two kingdoms, serve proudly two opposing citizenships, or offer my obedience to two warring monarchs. If I swear to the one, I will need to forsake the other, or, if I confess allegiance to the one, I will be viewed as a traitor by the other. Neutrality is both unacceptable and impossible. I must decide. All time for analysis is over. The options are clear, everything is at stake, and my decision is before me. I must choose sides. I can either side with the rebellion of the prince of the powers of the air, or I can join the fight on the side of the earth’s true King, Jesus the Nazarene. Now is the time, my time, and today is the day, my day of decision. I’ve made up my mind, I’ve counted the cost, and I want to declare my allegiance clearly and boldly – right here, right now I place my whole trust and faith in the Lord of lords and King of kings, Jesus of Nazareth. I’m pleased with this decision, and though deep down inside, I know that I’m going to pay dearly for my decision, I am at peace. This is my decision, and mine alone. Something is stirring deep within me now, something that won’t allow for any kind of foolishness anymore. I’m ready to join up, to leave home, to let goods and kindred go, even this mortal life. Whatever things were in my previous life gain to me I now count as loss in order to gain the upward prize in Christ Jesus.

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