A Sojourner's Quest

1 4 0 / A S O J O U R N E R ’ S Q U E S T

The Warrior’s Affirmation

Since we have such a huge crowd of men of faith watching us from the grandstands, let us strip off anything that slows us down or holds us back, and especially those sins that wrap themselves so tightly around our feet and trip us up; and let us run with patience the particular race that God has set before us. Keep your eyes on Jesus, our leader and instructor. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross because of the joy he knew would be his afterwards; and now he sits in the place of honor by the throne of God. ~ Hebrews 12.1-2. The Living Bible .

As those called of God, we have abandoned the world, and escaped the wrath of God through faith in Jesus Christ.

As disciples of Jesus, we have laid our all on the altar for God’s purpose and use.

As vessels of the Spirit, we live by the prophetic vision of the holy Word of God.

As warriors of the Kingdom, we give all we have and are to announce and advance the Kingdom of God to every place on earth.

We strive to live as Christian soldiers of faith and honor.

We honor one another as brothers of truth and testimony.

As those encircled with God’s great cloud of witnesses, we pledge our all to glorify the One who comes to rule and reign.

To this great grandstand of warriors and champions we belong.

We are members of the Fellowship of the Ring.

We are preparing for the Return of the King.

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