A Sojourner's Quest

PA RT I I I : L I V I NG I N T H E WAY / 1 5 9

The Church Year Forming Christ-Centered Spirituality through the Church Calendar The Urban Ministry Institute

Forming spirituality is “discovering ancient rhythms for a new spiritual awakening.” ~ Robert Webber

1. Advent : A season of anticipation and repentance which focuses on the First and Second Comings of Christ . The dual focus means that Advent both begins and ends the Christian Year (Isa. 9.1-7; 11.1-16; Mark 1.1-8). a. Anticipation : Week 1 – The Advent wreath reminds us of God’s eternal love, without a beginning, without an end. The candles remind us of Christ’s light coming into the world. We light the first candle looking forward to the coming of the Messiah, Emmanuel, God-with-us. b. Annunciation : Week 2 – We light the second candle to announce the birth of the Savior King, as the angel Gabriel announced to Mary, and the angels announced to the shepherds.

c. Affirmation : Week 3 – We light the third candle recognizing the fulfillment of God’s promise of our salvation.

d. Arrival : Week 4 – We light the fourth candle in celebration of the arrival of the baby, born in a stable at Bethlehem, whose name is Immanuel, God-with-us. 2. Christmas : A celebration of the mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God, the Word made flesh in the world. It celebrates the birth of Christ (Luke 2.1-20).

3. Epiphany : The Feast of Epiphany on January 6 commemorates the coming of the Magi, which reveals Christ’s mission to the world.

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