A Sojourner's Quest
1 6 6 / A S O J O U R N E R ’ S Q U E S T
Chronological Holy Week Readings The Urban Ministry Institute
Saturday (Day before Palm Sunday) Arrival in Bethany John 12.1
Mary Anoints Jesus’ Feet John 12.2-8 Matt. 26.6-13
Palm Sunday Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem John 12.12-18 Matt. 21.1-9
Jesus Examines the Temple Area Mark 11.11
Return to Town of Bethany Mark 11.11
Monday of Holy Week Cursing of the Fig Tree on Walk into Jerusalem
Mark 11.12-14 Matt. 21.18-22
Cleansing of the Temple Mark 11.15-17 Matt. 21.12-13
Return to Bethany Mark 11.19
Tuesday of Holy Week Debates with Religious Leaders and Teaching in the Temple
Mark 11.27-12.44 Matt. 21.23-23.39
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