A Sojourner's Quest
PA RT I I I : L I V I NG I N T H E WAY / 1 9 3
Readings on Christ Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
What Is Christianity without Christ?
Christianity without Christ is a chest without its treasure, a frame without a portrait, a corpse without breath.
~ John Stott. Focus on Christ . Cleveland: William Collins Publishers, Inc., 1979.
What Is the Bible All About?
What is the Bible all about? How can I understand its meaning? Why are there sixty-six books in the Bible? How do I know it is the Word of God?
All of these questions can be answered in one word – Christ.
Jesus Christ is the key to both the inspiration and the interpretation of the Bible. Further, it is Christ who confirmed the collection of books as both complete and authoritative.
~ Norman Geisler. A Popular Survey of the Old Testament . Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1977. p. 11.
The End of the Line
[Matthew] is being deliberately schematic [i.e., providing us with a big picture], with a theological intention. He is pointing out that Old Testament history falls into three approximately equal spans of time between the critical events:
• from the foundational covenant with Abraham to the establishing of the monarchy under David;
• from David to the destruction and loss of the monarchy in the Babylonian exile;
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