A Sojourner's Quest

2 0 4 / A S O J O U R N E R ’ S Q U E S T

Ethics of the New Testament: Living in the Upside-Down Kingdom of God True Myth and Biblical Fairy Tale Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

The Principle of Reversal

The Principle Expressed


The poor shall become rich, and the rich shall become poor

Luke 6.20-26

The law breaker and the undeserving are saved

Matt. 21.31-32

Those who humble themselves shall be exalted

1 Pet. 5.5-6

Those who exalt themselves shall be brought low

Luke 18.14

The blind shall be given sight

John 9.39

Those claiming to see shall be made blind

John 9.40-41

We become free by being Christ’s slave

Rom. 12.1-2

God has chosen what is foolish in the world to shame the wise

1 Cor. 1.27

God has chosen what is weak in the world to shame the strong

1 Cor. 1.27

God has chosen the low and despised to bring to nothing things that are

1 Cor. 1.28

We gain the next world by losing this one

1 Tim. 6.7

Love this life and you’ll lose it; hate this life, and you’ll keep the next

John 12.25

You become the greatest by being the servant of all

Matt. 10.42-45

Store up treasures here, you forfeit heaven’s reward

Matt. 6.19

Store up treasures above, you gain heaven’s wealth

Matt. 6.20

Accept your own death to yourself in order to live fully

John 12.24

Release all earthly reputation to gain heaven’s favor

Phil. 3.3-7

The first shall be last, and the last shall become first

Mark 9.35

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