A Sojourner's Quest
PA RT I : S E T T I NG Y O U R C O U R S E / 3 7
Living in a Story-Ordered World Principles Regarding the Nature of Story and Our Lives Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
1. Everyone has a story, and nobody can live without one.
2. Your story, for you, is the way it is, and informs how life works.
3. If you tell the wrong story, or tell the right story in the wrong way, you’ll inevitably get into trouble.
4. As your story is told and goes, so your life will speak and necessarily go.
5. Your story has multiple and critical effects and impact, and always reaps a harvest.
6. Just because your story contains true facts, doesn’t mean your version of the events underwriting your story is correct.
7. Your story is an interpretation of events from a vantage point (map), not the actual events themselves (territory).
8. All our stories are interconnected, and no one’s story stands alone; each personal story is a thread in the tapestry of all other stories, within the Story of God. 9. Sin causes distortions, reductions, and perversions in our making sense of our story, and impacts our understanding of other folk’s stories. 10. To you, your story is always compelling, i.e., the most credible explanation for who you are, how you got here, and where you are going.
11. What actually happened and how, and your version of the story about it, are not necessarily the same thing.
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