A Sojourner's Quest
PA RT I : S E T T I NG Y O U R C O U R S E / 5 5
Falsehood is the prince’s most common weapon. He uses it at the most strategic points. Since the most committed people are the most danger- ous, he attacks the zealots among his former subjects by spreading rumors about them and intimidating them by hints of his power. By and large his successes are few, however, for these people demonstrate an almost supernatural attachment to the Enemy Monarch.
Still, the prince in encouraged by one relatively small, though nonetheless significant, source of help he had not counted on.
There are some servants of the Monarch’s Son, mostly honest and well intentioned, who mis-state his promises. These servants are so intent upon winning people back from the realm of the evil prince, that they leave out of their messages some very important facts concerning responsible citizenship in that Domain. They rarely, if ever, mention warfare, or the prince’s subversive devices, or the residual effects of the dread diseases caught under his reign. Frankly, they portray the Son’s Government as sort of a spiritual welfare state, where there are free goodies for all, with little work or responsibility. One gets the picture of a sort of laid-back paradise, with the Monarch running a giant handout program. Gleefully, the wicked prince capitalizes on this unexplained chink in their armor. All he has to do is let them preach these omissions, and then cash in on the contradictions the people experience in their daily lives. After all, his best source of returnees just might turn out to be the disappointed hearers who listen to these enthusiastic servants.
~ Peter E. Gillquist. “The Agony and the Ecstasy.” Why We Haven’t Changed the World . Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1982. pp. 47-48.
The Kingdom as a Key to All of Scripture Jesus was always full of surprises, even with his disciples. Perhaps the biggest surprise was his news about the Kingdom of God. Jesus came announcing the Kingdom, creating a stir. Through a brief span of public ministry he kept showing his disciples what the Kingdom was really like. They understood only in part.
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