A Sojourner's Quest

PA RT I : S E T T I NG Y O U R C O U R S E / 6 3

Future Blessings of the Kingdom a. The Presence of God b. Resurrection bodies c. Full sanctification d. Shalom: peace, righteousness, joy, health, wholeness e. A new heaven and a new earth f. Judgment and destruction of all God’s enemies including sin, death, the devil and his demons, all evil 17. Let us not overlook the obvious fact that for Jesus his preaching about the Kingdom is fundamentally a proclamation about God. God brings his Kingdom as a seeking, inviting, gracious Abba Father. He also comes as judge to those who refuse his Kingdom. 18. The Kingdom of God is altogether God’s work. He graciously comes into human history in the person of his Son Jesus Christ to bring his rule to the earth. The Kingdom is therefore completely supernatural and gracious. Humans cannot bring, build or accomplish the Kingdom. It is wholly God’s act. 19. Jesus’ miracles and exorcisms are signs that the Kingdom of God is present in him and his ministry (Matthew 11.1-6; 4.23; 9.35; 10.7ff; Luke 9.1, 2, 6, 11). 20. The Kingdom of God invades the kingdom of Satan when Jesus comes bringing the Kingdom (Matthew 12.22-29; 25.41; Mark 1.24, 34; Luke 10.17ff; 11.17-22). 21. The Kingdom of God is of great value, indeed the greatest thing by far in the whole world (Matthew 13.44-46). Therefore, we must ask, “How should we then respond to this Kingdom?” or “How do we receive this gift of the Kingdom of God?”

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