An Authentic Calling: Representing Christ and His Kingdom through the Church


An Authent i c Ca l l i ng: Represent i ng Chr i s t and Hi s Ki ngdom through the Chur ch

a. To defeat the powers of rebellion and chaos, Col. 2.15

b. To reclaim his creation for his glory, Isa. 43.7; Rev. 4.11

c. To redeem a people for his own, Titus 2.11-15

d. To reveal his glory through his Son and the Church, Eph. 1.13–14

C. The importance of the Exodus story as a model for the singular call of God

1. As a biblical framework for understanding the elements of God’s call

2. As a narrative portrayal to help “feel” the power of the call

3. As a working model to help us analyze and appreciate our call today

4. As a connecting point in the ongoing work of God for his people

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, qara’

Meaning “to call, call out, recite.” This root occurs in Old Aramaic, Canaanite, and Ugaritic, and other Semitic languages (except Ethiopic). The word appears in all periods of biblical Hebrew. Qara’ may signify the “specification of a name.” Naming a thing is frequently an asser tion of sovereignty over it, which is the case in the first use of qara’ : “And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night” (Gen. 1.5). God’s act of creating, “naming,” and numbering includes the stars (Ps. 147.4) and all other things (Isa. 40.26). He allowed

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