An Authentic Calling: Representing Christ and His Kingdom through the Church
An Authent i c Ca l l i ng: Represent i ng Chr i s t and Hi s Ki ngdom through the Chur ch
2. The call to holiness is a call to separation from the pollution and profanities of the urban community.
3. The call to holiness is a call to display God’s holy character in the midst of the urban community; without this con secration, we cannot develop a relationship with God.
4. The call to holiness is a call to engage the urban community with the reality of the Kingdom of God.
B. Connections to your life
1. Have you acknowledged that you belong to God entirely now, spirit, soul, and body, for him to do in and through you whatever he desires? 1 Cor. 3.16-17; 6.18-20
2. Do you sense an inward call to be further set apart to the Lord for the work of the ministry? Have you communicated this inward call to your leaders yet?
3. What in your life today interferes with your call to be holy and set apart for the Lord’s purposes right now? What do you need to quit doing, to avoid, to put down, to flee from? Are there secret sins that demand your immediate attention and repentance?
4. Are you undisciplined in areas of your life that cause you to constantly be drawn back into a worldly frame of mind and lifestyle? 1 Tim. 4.7-8
5. How can you become better informed and equipped in order that you might pursue holiness (consecration) to God in Christ in every area of your life? Ps. 139.23-24
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