An Authentic Calling: Representing Christ and His Kingdom through the Church


An Authent i c Ca l l i ng: Represent i ng Chr i s t and Hi s Ki ngdom through the Chur ch

(6) 1 Tim. 1.11 (ESV) – in accordance with the glorious Gospel of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted. (7) 1 Tim. 6.20 (ESV) – O Timothy, guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge.” (8) A process designed to reveal your Christlike character, 1 Tim. 3.1-7; Titus 1.5-9 (i.e., a commitment to God demonstrated in a humble spirit, a disciplined lifestyle, a godly family life, and a reputation above reproach)

e. Submission to a process designed to show your giftedness and willingness to do the work for the sake of the Church, Phil. 2.19-23; 2 Cor. 8.22

f. Submission to a process designed to display your understanding and defense of the Apostle’s doctrine, Titus 1.9; 2 Tim. 2.2

3. Be formally commissioned to the work in a public ceremony of recognition and dedication (laying on of hands by the bishop and elders), Gen. 38.14; Deut. 34.9; Num. 27.18-32; Acts 6.6; 13.3; 1 Tim. 4.14; 5.22.

a. Laying on of hands, 1 Tim. 4.14; 5.22

b. Dedication in worship and prayer, Acts 6 and 13

4. Receive and exercise with due diligence the authority and responsibility granted to you to fulfill your ministry in the body of Christ.

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