Becoming Like Your Teacher, Second Edition

The Battle Plan Confirm and Equip

From the start, we should assume that ministry candidates will come to us at various levels of maturity and development, i.e., in their overall understanding of Scripture, living a Christ-centered life and missions. Each indigenous urban church planter must already possess the requisite maturity and experience to be considered a worthy candidate in an apprenticeship program. Indeed, a solid apprenticeship requires great care and focus done well in advance of the learning experience to guarantee its success. In other words, ministry supervisors must take the time to map out a measurable and feasible apprentice plan and overall schedule. In addition, time must be given to determine the substance of the apprenticeship, including assignments, field work, time for study and critical reflection, and whatever financial resources and staff support the apprenticeship program will provide. Until these critical features have been carefully considered and decided, no church plant apprenticeship program should be commenced! It is foundational that any individual who wants to enlist into an Apprentice Program, must have the blessing and confirmation of his/her leaders. It is the church leadership who must discern and confirm the individuals calling and gifting. Great care and focus


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