Becoming a Community of Disciples

Chapter 8: Spiritual Teachings – Hospitality


The Abbot of a monastery stands in the place of Christ.

15 In the reception of the poor and of pilgrims the greatest care and solicitude should be shown, because in them Christ is more especially received: For the very awe we have of the rich insures that they receive honor. 16 The kitchen for the Abbot and guests is to be set apart by itself so that guests who arrive at uncertain hours (and who are never lacking in a monastery) may not disturb the brothers. 17 In this kitchen each year two brothers are to be placed who can fulfill this duty properly. 18 These, if they require it, are to be offered help so that they may serve without murmuring; and when, on the other hand, they are occupied with less, they are to go out wherever they are commanded to work. 19 And not only to them, but in all the duties of the monastery this same consideration is to be shown:

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