Becoming a Community of Disciples


Becoming a Community of Disciples

The Christian Year



Time of Year

Remembrance of God’s Promised Messiah The Birth of Christ and His Revelation to the World The Revelation of Christ’s Mission to the World

The Four Weeks before Christmas December 25 until January 5




January 6

Cycle of Light

The Forty Days before Easter, Not Counting Sundays

Christ’s Lowliness and Submission to the Father


Christ’s Final Week, Crucifixion, and Burial

The Week before Easter

Holy Week

Christ’s Victory over Evil, Sin, and the Devil in His Resurrection The Descent of the Holy Spirit and the Birth of the Church


Easter Sunday

Cycle of Life

The Seventh Sunday after Easter


17 Above all, one or two seniors should be deputed to make the rounds of monastery at the hours when the brothers are devoted to reading; 18 and they are to see that there is not found any brother giving in to acedia, 8 who devotes himself to idleness or idle story-telling, and does not apply himself to his reading: he is thus not only useless to himself, but a distraction to others. 19 If one is found (may it not happen!) he is to be corrected once and then a second time, 20 and if he does not amend he is to be subjected to the chastisement of the Rule, in such a way as to inspire fear in the rest. 21 And no brother may associate with another brother at inappropriate hours.

8 Acedia – laziness.

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