Becoming a Community of Disciples
Becoming a Community of Disciples
2 Second, he becomes the cause of many more ills both for himself and for others. For he opens the door of contradiction to the many and accustoms himself to contradicting, 3 and since not everyone is able to discern what is better and to choose it, it can happen that with such license someone chooses what is worse. 4 Third, he fosters a suspicion among the brothers that he is motivated by some passion, either for the work he chooses or even in regard to those with whom he must work. 5 And so, not to obey is in every way the cause and root of many evils. 6 But if there is some reason whereby it seems to him he might rightly excuse himself from that task which he is excusing himself, let him put it before the one who presides and leave it to his judgement so that he may examine whether the plea he submits has merit. Permission Needed (RBas §80) Q: Ought one go anywhere without a mention from the one who presides? R: 1 Since the Lord says: I have not come that I might do anything of myself, but it was he who has sent me (John 7:28), how much less ought each of us to give himself permission! 2 For whoever does anything by his own authority is manifestly gripped by the disease of pride, and liable to that judgement which says: That which is exalted among human beings is an abomination in the sight of God (Luke 16:15). 3 So then, to do anything at all of one’s own accord or authority is blameworthy.
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