Becoming a Community of Disciples
Becoming a Community of Disciples
The Deans of the Monastery (RBen §21) 1 If the community is large, there should be chosen from it brothers of good reputation and a holy way of life to be appointed deans: 2 They are to carefully oversee their deaneries in everything according to the commandments of God and the precepts of their Abbot. 3 The ones chosen deans should be those with whom the Abbot may confidently share his burdens: 4 thus they should not be chosen according to the order of seniority, but rather for the merit of their lives and their wise teaching. 5 Should any of these deans become inflated with pride and be found to have acted reprehensibly; if, having been corrected once, twice, and even a third time, he refuses to amend, let him be deposed 6 and in his place there should be substituted another who is worthy. 7 And concerning the Prior 1 we establish that the same procedure is to be followed. The Qualities of the Monastery Cellarer (RBen §31) 1 As monastery cellarer there should be chosen from the community one who is wise, of mature character, temperate, not an excessive eater, not haughty, not turbulent, not harmful, not sluggish, not wasteful, 2 but God-fearing; one who can act as a father to the whole community. 3 He is to have charge of everything; 4 he is to do nothing without an order from the Abbot. 5 He is to keep custody over his orders. 6 He is not to sadden the brothers. 7 If one of the brothers happens to request something unreasonably, he is not to treat him with disdain and thus sadden him, rather he
1 Prior – the person in charge of the monastery in the Abbot’s absence.
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