Becoming a Community of Disciples
Chapter 6: Spiritual Teachings – Virtues and Discipline
42 Indeed, they are fulfilling the precept of the Lord by patience in adversities and injuries who, when struck on one cheek offer the other; to him who takes away their tunic they give their cloak; and when required to go one mile, they go two (Matt 5:39–41): 43 with Paul the Apostle they bear false brothers, bear persecutions, and bless those who curse them (2 Cor 11:26; 1 Cor 4:12). 44 The fifth step of humility is when through humble confession one does not hide from one’s Abbot the evil thoughts that enter one’s heart, nor the evils committed in secret. 45 Exhorting us in this regard Scripture says, Make known to the Lord your way and hope in Him (Ps 37:5). 46 And again it says: Confess to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy is for all ages (Pss 106:1; 118:1). 47 And again the prophet says: My offense I have made known to You, and my injustices I have not hidden. 48 I said, I will accuse myself before the Lord of my unjust deeds, and You have forgiven the disloyalty of my heart (Ps 32:5). 49 The sixth step of humility is that a monk should be content with the most common and worst of everything, and in all that is required of him to judge himself a bad and worthless worker, 50 saying of himself with the prophet: I was reduced to nothing and did not realize it; I have become like a beast before you, yet I am always with you (Ps 73:22–23). 51 The seventh step of humility is that he should not only pronounce with his tongue that he is inferior to and more common than all, but also believe it in the intimate sensibility of his heart, 52 humbling himself and saying with the prophet: As for me, I am a worm and no man, shameful among men and an outcast of the people (Ps 22:7).
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