Becoming a Community of Disciples


Becoming a Community of Disciples

the observance of which leads one to the heights of perfection. 3 For what page or what words are there in the divinely-inspired Old and New Testaments that are not a most direct norm for human life? 4 Or what book of the holy Catholic 11 Fathers does not resoundingly proclaim the direct path by which we may reach our Creator? 5 Moreover, the Conferences of the Fathers, their Institutes and their Lives , as well as the Rule of our holy Father Basil— 6 what else are these for good-living and obedient monks than instruments of virtue? 7 But to us who are lazy, bad-living, and negligent they bring the blush of shame. 8 Whoever you are, therefore, hastening toward your heavenly homeland; fulfill with the help of Christ this little Rule for beginners we have written: 9 and then at last you will arrive under God’s protection at the loftier summits of doctrine and virtue we have spoken of above. Amen. Q: Should one who wishes to join himself to the servants of God relinquish his property to his relatives indifferently? R: 1 Since the Lord says: Sell your possessions and give to the poor and you shall have treasure in heaven, and come follow me (Matt 19:21), and again: Sell all that you have and give alms (Luke 12:23), 2 I consider that one who is coming to the service of God ought not to esteem lightly and give up the things that belong to him as he pleases, 3 but should as far as possible assess all things with the utmost diligence, since henceforth they are consecrated to the Lord, and should dispose of them reasonably as far Relinquishing Property upon Entering the Monastery (RBas §5)

11 Catholic – universal.

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