Becoming a Community of Disciples


Becoming a Community of Disciples

extent in regard to food, however: the measure and kind of food shall be proportioned [ sic ] as age and occupation and bodily strength and debility require. 3 For it is impossible that all the brothers should observe the one order or measure or rule, though all those who are healthy can maintain the same measure of abstinence. 4 This however ought to be adapted in individual cases where there is some cause for variation, by the prudence and supervision of those entrusted with the responsibility of this distribution. 5 We cannot of course encompass each individual case in this instruction, but include only what pertains to a common and general framework. 6 Whether there are invalids needing to be built up with food, or those who are fatigued from the work of self-control, or from whatever other tasks they have carried out in the service of piety, let those who preside administer as need and reason require. 7 Since, then, it is therefore impossible to establish the same time for meals for all, or the measure or quality of food, let there be one goal for all: that we do not continue in our eating to satiety. 16 8 For to fill the stomach and to weigh it down with food renders even the body less useful for any task, since it is then inclined to sleep and more easily susceptible to harm. 9 Indeed, pleasurable tastes must not be followed as the goal of food—the need that serves life is sufficient, with indulgence being shunned. 10 For if we serve pleasure, it is nothing other than to make a god of our belly (cf. Phil 3:19). 11 For since our human body is constantly being depleted and dehydrated, and needs replenishment and

16 Satiety – fullness.

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