Bible Blossom Storybook

Prologue - From the Beginning to the Fullness of Time5
Creation and the Fall7
0 - In eternity past, God determined to send his Son to Save a people from death8
1 - In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth9
2 - The first human pair in the Garden of Eden11
3 - The serpent tempts the woman11
4 - God promises a Savior11
5 - Adam and Eve are banished from the Garden12
6 - Cain kills his brother, Abel12
7 - The ark weathers the flood13
8 - "Let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower with its top in the heavens."13
The Promise and the Patriarchs15
9 - God makes a covenant with Abraham16
10 - Melchizedek blesses Abraham17
11 - Lot flees Sodom with his family18
12 - Abraham prepares to sacrifice Isaac19
13 - Joseph's brothers throw him in pit and sell him as a slave20
Deliverance from Egypt21
14 - Baby Moses in the Nile River22
15 - Pharaoh holds his dead son23
16 - The blood of the lamb on the doorpost23
17 - Moses leads Israel through the Red Sea24
18 - The Tabernacle of the Lord24
From Egypt to Canaan25
19 - The spies return from Canaan26
20 - Israel wanders in the wilderness27
21 - The priests carry the Ark into the Jordan River28
22 - Joshua leads the victory over Jericho29
The Promised Land31
23 - Gideon asks the Lord for a sign32
24 - Samson brings down the walls on the Philistines33
25 - Samuel proclaims Saul king33
26 - The kingdom ripped away from Saul34
27 - Samuel anoints David as the new king34
28 - David fights the giant Goliath35
29 - Solomon gives a wise judgment36
30 - Solomon's temple for the Lord36
The Exile37
31 - Elijah calls down fire from heaven38
32 - The Lord opens the eyes of Elisha's servant38
33 - Jonah is thrown overboard39
34 - God's people taken into captivity40
35 - Ezekiel's vision of the valley of dry bones40
36 - The three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace41
37 - Daniel in the lions' den42
The Remnant of Israel43
38 - Rebuilding the Temple44
39 - Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem44
40 - Esther approaches the king of Persia45
41 - "Thus says the Lord . . ."45
The Story of God in Christ - The Fullness of Time47
Advent - The Coming of Christ49
42 - The Angel Gabriel visits the Virgin Mary to announce the arrival of the Messiah51
43 - Elizabeth receives Mary, the mother of the Messiah52
44 - John the Baptist prepares the way for Messiah53
Christmas - The Birth of Christ54
45 - Mary and Joseph journey to Bethlehem56
46 - Christ is born in Bethlehem!56
47 - The angels announce the birth of Jesus to the shepherds57
48 - Simeon takes Jesus in his arms and praises God58
Epiphany - The Manifestation of Christ59
49 - The Magi give gifts to Jesus60
50 - John baptizes Jesus in the Jordan River61
51 - Jesus being tempted by the devil in the wilderness62
52 - Jesus calls his first disciples64
53 - Jesus feeds 5,000 with a little boy's lunch65
54 - Jesus heals the Gerasene demoniac66
55 - Jesus heals Jairus's daughter67
56 - A woman healed after twelve years of hemorrhaging67
57 - The parable of the sower and the soils68
58 - Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard bush69
59 - Jesus walks on water70
60 - The transfiguration of Christ71
Lent - The Lowliness of Christ73
61 - "Get behind me, Satan!"74
62 - Jesus tells a parable of a man who is beaten and left for dead76
63 - The shepherd leaves the ninety-nine to find the one lost sheep78
64 - The parable of the prodigal son80
65 - Jesus calls to Zacchaeus82
66 - Jesus on the road going up to Jerusalem83
Holy Week - The Passion of Christ85
67 - Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey86
68 - Jesus shares a final Passover meal with the disciples88
69 - Jesus washes the disciples' feet89
70 - Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane90
71 - Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss92
72 - The Jews convince Pilate to have Jesus killed94
73 - Jesus carries his cross to Golgotha96
74 - Jesus is crucified between two criminals97
75 - Darkness covers the land and Jesus's followers look on from a distance96
76 - Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus prepare to put Jesus in a tomb98
Eastertide - The Resurrection of Christ99
77 - Guarding Jesus's tomb100
78 - Terrified guards flee the tomb101
79 - Three women come to Jesus's tomb and find it open and empty102
80 - Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene103
81 - After his resurrection, Jesus appears to his disciples104
Eastertide - The Ascension of Christ105
82 - "Go therefore, and make disciples of all nations . . ."106
83 - Jesus ascends to the right hand of the Father108
Pentecost - The Coming of the Holy Spirit109
84 - The Holy Spirit comes on the believers at Pentecost110
85 - Paul shares the testimony of his conversion and calling112
Kingdomtide - The Last Times: The Story Continues Today113
86 - The Apostle Paul imprisoned for his Gospel Testimony114
87 - Repentance and forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus proclaimed to all nations116
88 - Christ is ransoming for God saints from every tribe and language and people and nation118
89 - Christ will come again and destroy death and the devil forever120
90 - A new heaven and a new earth122

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