Bible Blossom - Storyteller's Handbook

T HE P R OM I S E D L AND • 101


The Lord will be present with his people in a temple, through the sacrifice of a priest.


Jerusalem – the site of the Temple in Jerusalem

• The Lord • Solomon • The elders and priests of Israel

Major Characters


Introduction and Rising Action 1. Solomon builds a temple for the Lord and brings the Ark of the Covenant into the holy of holies.

Climax 2. Just as he did for Moses and the tabernacle, the Lord shows his presence by a thick cloud the will not allow anyone to enter the temple for a time. 3. Solomon offers a prayer of dedication for the temple. 4. Then he blesses the assembly and charges them to keep the law of the Lord. 5. He offers thousands and thousands of sacrifices to dedicate the temple. Falling Action and Resolution 6. Israel held a great festival to celebrate the building and dedication of the temple. 7. Solomon then dismissed the people to go home in the joy of the Lord.

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