Bible Blossom - Storyteller's Handbook

T HE E X I L E • 105


The Lord is the only true and living God, and his people will worship him alone.


Mt. Carmel

• Elijah – the prophet of the Lord • Obadiah – a godly palace attendant • Ahab – wicked king of Israel • 450 prophets of Baal

Major Characters


Introduction and Rising Action 1. Three years into a drought, the Lord calls Elijah to return to Israel and confront Ahab. 2. Obadiah, who is faithful to the Lord, meets Elijah and goes to tell Ahab where he is. 3. Elijah confronts Ahab and sets up a contest. He asks that the prophets of Baal and Asherah meet him on Mount Carmel. The contest is to see whose God will answer when called. Climax 4. The prophets of Baal and Asherah call on their gods for several hours, but nothing happens. 5. Then Elijah sets up his sacrifice. He calls for several gallons of water to be poured over the offering. 6. The Lord answers in spectacular fashion by consuming not only the sacrifice, but all the water that Elijah had poured over it as well. Falling Action and Resolution 7. The people respond with repentance, declaring that the Lord is the true God. Elijah then commands that the prophets of the false gods be put to death.

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