Bible Blossom - Storyteller's Handbook

L ENT : T HE L OWL I N E S S OF C H R I S T • 177


The villages around Caesarea Philippi

• Jesus • Peter • The other disciples

Major Characters


Introduction and Rising Action 1. Jesus asks his disciples who people are saying that he is. 2. They say that the crowds think he is either John the Baptist or Elijah. 3. He then asks who they (his disciples) say he is. 4. Peter speaks for the group and declares, “You are the Christ.” 5. He begins to teach them that the Christ came to suffer, to die, and to rise again. Climax 6. Peter rebukes Jesus for saying this. 7. Jesus in turn rebukes Peter, saying, “Get behind me, Satan.” Falling Action and Resolution 8. Jesus explains that his followers must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. 9. He declares that his followers must be willing to lose their lives for his sake.

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