Bible Blossom - Storyteller's Handbook

L ENT : T HE L OWL I N E S S OF C H R I S T • 181


Christ came to seek and save what was lost.


The Pharisees are upset that Jesus welcomes tax collectors and sinners.

• Jesus – the storyteller • A shepherd • The sheep

Major Characters


Introduction and Rising Action 1. Jesus tells a parable to a group of Pharisees who are grumbling that he welcomes tax collectors and sinners.

Climax (The Parable) 2. A shepherd has a flock of one hundred sheep. 3. One sheep wanders away into the wilderness, but ninety- nine stay together. 4. The shepherd leaves the ninety-nine to seek and save the one lost sheep. 5. When he finds the sheep, he calls together his friends and neighbors to celebrate that he has found his lost sheep.

Falling Action and Resolution 6. Jesus explains that all heaven rejoices greatly over one sinner who repents.

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