Bible Blossom - Storyteller's Handbook

L ENT : T HE L OWL I N E S S OF C H R I S T • 183


The Lord and his Kingdom celebrate when the lost come home to him.


The Pharisees are upset that Jesus welcomes tax collectors and sinners.

• Jesus – the storyteller • The father • The younger son • The older brother

Major Characters


Introduction and Rising Action 1. Jesus is telling a story. 2. A father has two sons. The younger son demands his share of the inheritance. 3. He goes into a far country andwastes all hismoney onwild living. Climax 4. The younger son reaches a low point when he is so hungry that he longs to eat pig slop. He decides to return to his father’s house as a servant. 5. When he arrives home, the father is so glad to see him that the runs to greet him, clothes him the best clothes, and throws a great feast of celebration. 6. The older brother refuses to come to the feast, so the father goes to speak with him. The older brother is angry about the father celebrating the return of the younger son. Falling Action and Resolution 7. The father explains that he has to celebrate because the younger son was dead and has come to life, that he was lost and has been found. The son returns

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