Bible Blossom - Storyteller's Handbook
L ENT : T HE L OWL I N E S S OF C H R I S T • 187
On the road from Judea beyond the Jordan up to Jerusalem
• Jesus • James and John • The other disciples
Major Characters
Introduction and Rising Action 1. The disciples are amazed and afraid as Jesus resolutely walks toward Jerusalem. 2. Jesus once again explains to them that he will be arrested, beaten, and killed in Jerusalem, but that he will rise again. Climax 3. Two of Jesus’s disciples, James and John, approach Jesus and ask to sit at his right and left hand in his Kingdom. 4. Jesus explains that these positions are not his to grant. 5. The other disciples get angry with James and John for requesting this honor. Falling Action and Resolution 6. Jesus explains that true greatness in his Kingdom is not a matter of high position. 7. Whoever wants to be great in the Kingdom of Christ must become a servant of all. 8. Even the Christ, God’s Messiah, came to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.
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